My Journey in Meditation
Any Quiet Place Will Do
First, I find a place where I can be still and quiet with no
distractions. This could be in my room, on the beach, in the woods, out in the
yard or even in my car parked away from other cars in a large parking lot
somewhere in the city. I sit with my eyes closed and tell myself that I want to
go to my secret place. I call it home. I prepare to take this journey in
meditation with an uplifted heart, because I always feel such joy when I
Quieting my mind is the hardest part. I’m always thinking of
something, and I must keep telling myself to stop. Even though I do this
sometimes for 2 to 5 minutes thinking that it’s just impossible, I keep at it.
Whenever a thought pops up, I say, “Be quiet, listen”. Eventually, my mind is
still and I begin to listen to the sounds around me, or just to the quiet
itself. The sounds of birds are a big draw as well as insects. They steady my
Once my mind quiets down, I concentrate on the space around
me. I can feel how it expands and grows. It’s kind of like a dizziness, but a
pleasant one. Soon it’s as if there’s nothing solid. Even the chair upon which
I sit feels less solid and more like particles with empty space in between. I
can feel the vibration of the things I may be touching. I realize that there is
more space than solid mass surrounding me.
I see that nothing is what it appears to be. Everything,
including my body, is stationed within this endless space, and all is of itself
filled with space between its molecules. If I happen to be on the 2nd
floor or above of a house or building, it seems as if I were just floating in midair.
But all is well because I’m fixed to this position by some unknown force.
Then the Journey Begins
Soon, I begin to feel movement. My body becomes even lighter
and filled with space, even to the point of not feeling it at all. Then somehow,
I begin travelling, as if in the back of a vehicle. Sometimes fast and
sometimes slow. The waves of space zoom past me and I go to another point
inside this endless space. I understand that time exist within that certain
point inside this space, and that each event in my life occurs on a different
plain of time. The space itself is timeless and endless. Somehow, I know this
is true.
With my eyes closed I begin to see shapes and colors move
towards me. I always see blue first, and in my mind, I say hello to Mr. Blue.
He’s my main visitor. The color moves and flows as I breath and I know it’s
him. I can sometimes even make out his shadowy face, but I’m not afraid. On the
contrary, I’m so grateful and pleased to see him. I see Mr. Green, Mr. Purple,
sometimes Mr. Red. But mostly Mr. Blue.
Messages from the Spirit Guides
As I grow evermore grateful and thankful for what’s happened
in my life thus far, I express these thoughts to Mr. Blue and the others. My
eyes tear up and my heart grows huge with the feelings of wonder, awe and
especially of love. I know the Universe is with me and that everything is as it
should be. I can no longer chastise myself, because my purpose in this life is
being fulfilled. I recognize this, even though I may not agree with it
presently. I feel nothing but love, caring and support from my guides. On this journey,
the lyrics to the song “Your Secret Garden” pops into my head.
If you think I’m gonna be good to you
If you think I like what you do, show you right
If you think I’m gonna take care of you
If you think I’ve got what you need, show you right
~ Quincy Jones
In the moment, I know for certain that that is the message
from my Spirit Guides and from the Universe itself. It happens in just that
way. Sometimes in words, sometimes in songs played inside my head, and
sometimes in the world around me. For more on that, see a later post for the
article regarding Signs from the
Spirit Realm.
The Greatest of Gifts
Once I’m surrounded by my guides, I’m instructed to breath
deeply. With each deep breath, I absorb the feeling of being filled with
knowledge and of being lifted. My being becomes lighter than air and peace
descends. I know that once I return, I’ll know what to do and how to do it.
Even though I may have doubted before this meditation session, the fear is now gone
and, in its place, trust, faith and an overwhelming love.
The Universe has entered in. And all is well. I’m on the
right path and headed in the right direction. It can be no other way. I soon
begin to feel the tingling in my fingers and toes and I realize that I’m back
from my journey. If I could, I’d stay there until eternity. In all actuality, I
truly am there now, but I must experience this material world and therefore I
must forget the true reality of being out of this time contained within an endless
space. But again, all is well.
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